That’s My Girl

Chapter 6

“I’m hungry,” Jordy blurted out as they sat in the car. “Really?” Johnny jeered. Jordy frowned, confused at her father’s sudden burst of enthusiasm. “Yes,” she replied, hints of embarrassment were in her voice. “Come on. Can’t your old man be happy sometimes?” he queried. Jordy nodded sarcastically. “Anyway I know a great place to eat,” he marvelled as they left the parking lot. Fifty metres in front, Jordy spotted a diner where the were a group of uniformed police officers. Then she twigged on that that was where they were going. “We’re eating at a cop diner?” she said. “Why? What’s wrong? Good food. You can meet a few of my friends if they’re there,” he began but Jordy stopped him right away. “No. There’s no problem. It’s absolutely perfect!” she exclaimed. Johnny smiled.

They walked into the diner to find Senior Constable Sam Ryan, Constable Nick Esposito and Darren at a table near the door. “Hey Johnny!” They all jeered. “Hey boys, I’ve got an announcement,” he began as he put his hand Jordy’s shoulder. “Jesus, Johnny we already know. Just give it a break,” Sam muttered rudely. Everyone was taken aback at Sam’s sudden dislike of Jordy and lack of enthusiasm. Sam bit his lip trying not to be too sarcastic. Jordy noticed and bit her lip to try to not laugh. Sam noticed that too. The rest were still in their own worlds about the sudden situation. “Aaaagh, she’s too good,” Sam smiled. Jordy began laughing. “You buggers over here believed me but this one, nah, she noticed straight away. Eh Jordy? I’m Sam,” he laughed. “I know. I read your badge,” Jordy replied. Johnny, Darren and Nick just shook their heads. “Haha, finally a partner in crime,” he added in. “I’m Nick by the way,” he finally stated. “Hey Jordy! I’m Uncle Darren. Nice to meet you,” Darren said sarcastically, trying to get attention. Jordy tilted her head in a sarcastically pitiful face. “Nawh, hi Darren,” she said as she kissed him on the cheek. “Hey, where’s mine?” Nick bellowed. Jordy rolled her eyes and gave him one too. She looked at Sam, who was tapping his finger on his cheek. “Ha ha,” Jordy remarked. “Oi, what about your father?” Darren wondered, looking at Johnny who was still standing in the same place. She rolled her eyes as she got up once again. “What about a father-daughter hug?” Sam blurted out. “Fine.” Johnny smiled as Jordy put her arms around him. He suddenly realised that this was their first proper hug. “Cutie pie. Front page tomorrow- New York city’s finest tough cop has softer side,” Nick mimicked in old style news reporter voice. They all laughed sarcastically. Johnny watched his daughter joke around. He’d heard all about the love that parents had for children but thought it was a load or rubbish. But now he knew what they meant. He smiled to himself and joined back in the group jokes.

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