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My Last Two Days

Hey Guys,

The last two days have been insane!

Yesterday, I had a haircut and got my fringe back! Like, when I was younger! I can’t wait to see my friends’ reactions.

Today, I’m cleaning out ma closet. Sorry, couldn’t resist. I never realized how much stuff I had. With the clothes I don’t need, I’m going to sell on eBay. This is so I can start saving up for university. Remember how I said I was ambitious? Well, those ambitions are relatively expensive too. Especially, if your family isn’t rich or well-off. My parents think I’m crazy and a dreamer, but as Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, then you can do it.” Just because they’ve never done things they dreamed doing, doesn’t mean I have to lose out because they’re so negative.

As I’m cleaning out my closet, I’m listening to the That’s amore playlist I created on Youtube and belting out Euphoria by Loreen and Fight For You by Jason Derulo. I’m going to put on some New Kids soon too.

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